Strength: The Full Time Job
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There is a big misconception with strength. For a while I felt it was something we were just blessed to have. It wasn’t until my late 20’s I started to discover how hard having strength could be. Being strong is a fight we all battle and not always succeed at. As I mature, being strong has become a priority. Easily distracted, I am angry when I don’t succeed at this.
Do you face this same challenge?
There is one consistent factor I’ve identified during these occurrences; Being confused and unclear of the results I’d like to have. Now, this may seem weird, but visualizing how you want a conversation, or task to end up is very healthy. It sets a standard for you. Obviously we can’t control how others react, but we can definitely create strength within ourselves. This strength will filter over into whatever situation we are dealing with.
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What type of Strength do you have?
Character Strengths
Capacities for thinking, feeling, willing, and behaving. They reflect what is best in you and can be viewed as part of your positive identity. The 24 strengths (e.g., fairness, hope, kindness, leadership) in the widespread VIA Classification are the best examples of this type of strength.
Talent Strengths
Innate abilities, which typically have a strong biological loading, and may or may not be well-developed (e.g., intelligence, musical ability, athletic ability).
Skill Strengths
Specific proficiency developed through training (e.g., learning a particular trade; computing skills; researching skills).
Interest Strengths
Areas or topics you are passionate about and driven to pursue, such as playing sports, engaging in particular hobbies, and working with arts or crafts.
Values are enduring beliefs, principles, or ideals that are of prime importance to you. Values reside in your thoughts and feelings, not behavior. E.g., your value for family, your value for hard work.
Learning Style Strength
Ideas or hypotheses about how people approach new material, e.g., you might be reflective in how you learn a particular subject, or you might be more interpersonal in your style because you want to receive new learnings through discussion rather than reading.
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Type of strength that is external. These are your external supports, such as social and spiritual connections, living in a safe neighborhood, and being part of a good family.
Once we identify which strength we concur better, we begin to add value to the others. Never stop working hard at your full time job of you.
Be Love,
Brittney ‘Genuine Gemini’ Baker