GAINING WISDOM: Eliminating Non Essentials
Wisdom… What’s the price we pay for it? Being wise comes with a lot of responsibility. In many instances, being wise brings evil, destruction and a need for elimination. Eliminating people, things, or just the unnecessary, can be very draining. The focus should not be on the departure, but on what is gained during the process.
How does this relate to wisdom?
In an effort to clearly receive true wisdom, we must first identify the areas that require it. Life can cloud our judgements, and have us unable to identify what are true strengths are. Figuring out where it should be be applied most is crucial.
Clearer the focus the better.
What do you do when something isn’t clear? You clean and eliminate anything blocking that clarity. Whether it’s unnecessary stress, people, or material things, it must be removed.
How do you know you are in the clear to receive wisdom?
When zero doubt arises. Doubt is a sure way to know you aren’t clear and definitely not gaining wisdom.
Gaining wisdom is a process. It will require you to be a Student 24/7. The open minded aspect will introduce you to a World unimaginable. In this World, there are many subjects and situations that will require your solidarity, and undivided attention. This is when you are truly gaining Wisdom.
Don’t be afraid to eliminate things in this process. Vices, people, material things are all sacrifices during this time. Stay informed and prepared on what needs to be improved.
As we gain wisdom, we become sensitive and very direct. Your vision is no longer cloudy, so you can identify when things are out of place. Understand this is necessary, and MUST happen.
Lastly, be sure to ACT, make choices that support the wisdom you gained, and put it them action. Feel great about the new knowledge you received, and put it to good use.
Be Love,
Brittney Baker