People Alignment and Assignments
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We’ve all heard the phrase, “People come in your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.”
How often do we apply that phrase to our lives? Have you been guilty of focusing too much time on the wrong person, or giving it too much of your energy?
Determining your “People Assignment” is healthy, impactful and eye opening.
I learned a few years ago some people are strictly in my life on an assignment. Whether it be to improve my strength, expose my weaknesses, or help me see I don’t like people like them, they are merely doing their assignment.
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My responsibility is to understand their roles, and not alter it. Don’t get me wrong, we protect our peace at any cost, but allowing the inevitable to commence is well worth it when you know the overall goal.
Let’s take Friendships for example; some Friends will bring you so much joy, while others are a pain, and cause you such distress. The easy thing to do is rid yourself of the pain, right? Yes, but the process in which it is done is important. We need to learn, we need to experience, we need to see the hurt from A-Z in order to cherish the love and joy coming our way. Assign and align the people in your life, strategically and cautiously.
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Don’t feel bad for having a Friend who you only speak to about business, or a relative you only discuss school with. This is activating your discernment. You’ve been able to identify someone’s strength and how it will be an attribute to your life. On the flip side of that, the pain you experience will only help you learn; properly placing People in the areas of your life they belong.
When we feel confused on why someone is in our life, or why you are experiencing a particular issue, start identifying your categories, and see where they fit. Learn the assignments and allow the universe to handle the rest.
Be Love,
Brittney ‘Genuine Gemini’ Baker