Investing In Yourself
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As the self-proclaimed “Queen Frugal” from Inglewood, investing in myself is a sensitive subject for me. I hate spending money on myself. As I grow in this journey, I realize spending money on is inevitable. Investing in yourself is not all money. Do you love what you do enough to do it for free? When developing a brand, it’s important not restrict yourself. The power of believing in you is so important. We can get caught up so much on what others feel about us or our brand that we don’t even ask if we like, or believe in ourselves. No sleep, constant grind and hustle, those are all investments. Try hard to not focus on the monetary aspects of it all. Focus on the passion. Let’s focus on 2 things you can do to invest in yourself more:
1. Review your work.
I know this seems self-explanatory, if you aren’t reviewing your work and smiling while doing it, something is wrong. I re read and watch my own bodies of work several times. Not out of arrogance, but out of pure joy. Sometimes we forget our talent. Reviewing it will only excite, and inspire you to do more.
2. Increase your resources mentally.
Support is everything, but do you support you? Liking your work, and understanding you have value is crucial. Adding strength to your mental bank will surely help. I consider these to be mental deposits. These mental deposits are all resources.
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Dedicated to growth, fight for what is vastly approaching. Understand the time you spend pouring into yourself, will shine through with others.
Investing in yourself requires a strength that only you can bring. Learning to not seek or need validation from your peers is a start. This is difficult, but necessary. I battle with this daily, but know it needs to be a practice.
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I pray and encourage you to turn your level of support for yourself to 110%. The more you do this, the more others will easily invest. Whether that be mentally or financially, if you support you, so will they.
Be Love,
Brittney “Genuine Gemini” Baker