I feel Unfulfilled.... The battle for Fulfillment
Photo Credit: Google.com
Dear God,
Today, I am not joyful. Blessed, but not joyful. My potential has been left somewhere. All I want to do is grow, learn and live up to my potential. I want to feel fulfilled. God I know you understand and know my intent.
I started my daily Prayer Book entry with the above the other day. Instantly I wanted to explore this topic more. Fulfillment, what does it look like? Feel like? So many things can transpire in a day and leave you feeling very depleted. As an aspiring Motivational Speaker, learning this is crucial to my development and those I intend on impacting. You cannot pour into others unless your cup is full right? So let’s explore fulfillment and identify with the benefits of that.
Understanding Fulfillment
Being fulfilled is about understanding your character. Knowing your “Sweet Spot” defines the way you get you gain stronger fulfillment. Understanding your character is understanding your abilities. What are you strong at? What can you do well? Sometimes we down ourselves so quickly and give ourselves zero credit. Everyone has a gift, everyone. Figure out what yours is and sharpen it.
Photo Credit: Dianedominguezministries.org/
Working for Fulfillment
Fulfillment is not something that you gain by waking up. Honey you have to fight for it. Think of your last meal. Did you order something because you wanted to sound cool? Or did you order something because you needed nourishment. The very act of doing something you desire, is going after your fulfillment. Attack your plans with a desire to get the Fulfillment reward. Seeing the finish line is extremely hard, but you have to clear your mind enough to do so. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a win happen, before a win.
Photo Credit: unfulfillednovel.com
Avoiding Feeling Unfulfilled
Feeling accomplished, but empty happens often. Those days come during your need to create or fight harder. Cliché, but true. When you have a demoting thought, or start to doubt yourself, ask yourself the following:
1. Am I scared of the results?
2. Do I enjoy being less than? If so, why, and how can I get help to repair this.
3. What is blocking me from my Fulfillment reward?
After accepting this emotion and dissecting it, tell yourself you need to move past it. Doesn’t matter how many times, just say that to yourself, “Move pass this feeling.” I accept things first, address them next, and conquer them last.
Photo Credit: davidmathiraj.com/
Fulfillment is bigger than being successful, fulfillment is the act of understanding the potential you have and how far you go and continue to go. Set your own levels, work at your own pace, and fight for your Fulfillment reward.
Be Love,
Brittney “Genuine Gemini’ Baker