Dreaming Quietly
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Dreams..... Aren't they special? When you have a good one, what's the first thing you want to do? Tell whoever is willing to listen.
Here is what I learned about dreams, they are private and come to you for various reasons. They are manifested based off your energy and vibrations. In a nutshell, they are crafted perfectly, for you. The privacy aspect is what I want to focus on. While I pride myself on being transparent and open, I've discovered its important to protect yourself at the same time. We endure so may things in life that sharing isn't always caring.
I'll dive into that in another blog, but back to dreaming.....
Dreams are a safe haven. Areas of peace where your mind can rest and feel content, accomplished and fulfilled. Dreaming allows you to visualize true actions, without distractions.
Quiet and self control brings about an undeniable strength.
When we dream, that's our time to be with ourselves. Very similar to praying in a "War Room" it's important we keep those visuals to ourselves.
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Now I know what you are thinking. Is the Genuine Gemini promoting isolation? Is she condoning self destruction, quiet depression or refusal for great energy and thoughts of others to enter? Not at all.
Dreams are definitely our blueprint to success and all success doesn't need to promoted loudly. People learn differently and are more efficient by being the observer.
Let what you want in. Never intentionally allow it to be taken. Some of us have no control of negative spirits around us. We for sure don't have control of our dreams, or dream patterns. This is why Dreaming quietly is so important.
Mastermind your plan and see it out. Allow others to see your progression first, then share your story.
As I continue to grow in my journey, I pick pivotal parts of it to discuss. Not because I'm ashamed or hiding, but I have dreamed about the outcome, saw the impact and knew that now a soul will benefit from it.
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God speaks to people so differently. Sometimes he tells me to scream it from the mountain top; other times he asks me to be quiet and rest in his word.
So as you organize your goals, as you get ready to conquer a new Chapter in your life, remember your dreams. How they felt, how you felt, and how keeping them to yourself kept them pure. So pure that now, the attack you would have received if you volunteered something so raw and uncut is now so difficult to defeat.
Dream strong, dream long, but dream quietly.
Move in Silence.
Be Love,